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Joanna Marie Bellettiere was born in Philadelphia, P.A. and currently resides in South Philadelphia. Since a young age, Joanna had a passion for creating art, and an interest in spiritual ideology. She cultivated her interest and majored in art in grade school, and joined AP Studio Art for 2 years in high school. This program prepared her with an emphasis on dry media application. From this program, she was given the opportunity to receive the Louisa May Alcott scholarship in 2011 upon graduation.


This full scholarship gave her a special opportunity to pursue her passion in a fully paid four - year college admission to Tyler School of Art at Temple University. She found her niche in the painting and drawing department, and was drawn to creating abstract art. She was chosen for Senior Studio, and got to experiment with her interests on a more independent level.


Joanna graduated from Tyler School of Art in May 2015 with a BFA in Painting and Drawing. She was selected for a scholarship for excellence in art. Since her graduation, she has worked in her studio in Port Richmond, Philadelphia. The driving dedication for her work is to create pieces that evoke the “cyclical essence” (our true spiritual nature). Her explorations are supplemented through spiritual reading material. Books were the foundation that peaked her interest in the metaphysical. These tools give Joanna the means to express her perspective on the endless spirit that exits in and around us.  


Bellettiere was invited to exhibit in an online exhibition in 2017: Awakening: How I Woke Up on She participated in an international group exhibition in 2017 - 30 Under 30 at Viridian Artists Inc. in New York City. She was invited to join in a group exhibition titled Lean In, Plant Down, Grow Up at Emerge Wellness in Philadelphia, P.A.



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